2024 Update: SR Measure has evolved! We now offer a Free and Professional subscription tier for individuals. Our Business subscription is perfect for small teams and companies. All version now come with instant measurement in the app. Click here to learn more about our current offerings and pricing.
Measuring bulk materials inventory is rock hard. And the hard problems of the bulk materials industry deserve transformative technology solutions.
That’s why we released SR Measure, a newly designed mobile app for measuring stockpiles. This app replaces the industry standard, Stockpiles, as the only app on the planet which measures stockpiles with an iPhone.
SR Measure is easy-to-use and makes rapid, enterprise-wide adoption of automated measurements a reality. The user-friendly design dramatically improves the speed of measurements and sets the stage for on device processing. Thousands of users at hundreds of locations can now measure inventory easily and frequently, at a fraction of the cost of other tools.
How The SR Measure App Works
With the vision to measure Every Pile Any Time™, CEO and Founder, David Boardman, wants to empower broad enterprise capability with this easy-to-use tool. “If you can film your kid’s birthday party with your phone, you can measure a stockpile. Anyone can measure a stockpile, even the CFO!”
Stockpile Reports’ proprietary algorithms convert images of stockpiled bulk materials into accurate and precise measurements. With SR Measure, verified inventory reports are created applying patented technology to auto-correct obstructions, provide an objective surface score, and measure confidence in toe and base calculations. SR Measure also has reporting features such as an interactive 3D model of stockpiles which make sharing results easy.
The Benefits of Repeatable Stockpile Measurements
Stockpile Reports processes over 100,000 stockpile reports each month, providing customers with tangible control over valuable financial assets. Repeatable results provide a standard, independent method for inventory control which removes user bias and errors from stockpile measurement. For example, customers maintain control over highly subjective assumptions such as density factors.
With these controls, Stockpile Reports has helped customers reduce inventory write-offs from unacceptable levels, many exceeding 40%. Early detection of transactional errors and improved decisions over supply chain planning with Stockpile Reports has saved customers tens of millions of dollars in inventory losses. Stockpile Reports’ customers understand this value. As one member of an international road construction group expressed, “the more we measure, the better we get”.
2021 Release Features

New Look and Feel
Don’t let the new look (including the interface) trick you. This latest version of the Stockpile Reports app brings all the power of the original and then some! The design and workflow are fully updated. Now, features you need are easy to find and use.
Improved Help Content
We’ve added a new robust help content section to assist you in getting precise measurements of your inventory as quickly as possible. This is critical for scaling to new users without the need for in person instruction or cumbersome online training. A new user can be up and running in a matter of minutes.

Improved Reports Pages
Our verified inventory reports have been redesigned and now include an interactive 3D view of your inventory as well as the ability to share those reports with others.
Additional Admin Controls
Users with admin privileges, can now add a site, assign a product, or define a bunker as part of your measurement workflow — all within the app. No need to call the office, correct measurement data later, or pull out your laptop in the field.

Get Started Today
Stockpile Reports is the first vertically integrated service for logistics and inventory management of bulk materials at scale, digitizing images of bulk materials to solve problems with accurate perpetual inventory and supply chain planning. Every Pile, Any Time.
Stockpile Reports uses EveryPoint, a spatial computing platform which supports infinitely scalable data collection and processing for the next generation of spatial computing applications and services. EveryPoint has been building spatial computing solutions at scale, ranging from rapid 3D processing of massive image datasets to global logistics and inventory management solutions. Use EveryPoint to bring spatial computing to your applications and services.