Your All-In-One Digital Stockpile Management Solution

Traditional stockpile measurement methods are time-consuming, expensive, and unsafe. That’s why DOTs are switching to digital stockpile management.

Stockpile Reports provides simple and fast ways to measure your stockpiles using a mobile app, drone, or installed cameras. You don’t need any survey expertise or expensive equipment. Just scan your stockpiles from the ground or air and get accurate volume and tonnage data in minutes.

With Stockpile Reports, you can:

  • Reduce labor hours by measuring stockpiles with one person instead of 2-3

  • Eliminate travel costs by using crews closest to the material

  • Avoid over-ordering or running out of materials by having on-demand inventory data

  • Improve safety by avoiding walking on top of stockpiles

  • Increase efficiency by integrating measurement data with other systems

  • Monitor road salt inventory in real-time

A DOT study showed that Stockpile Reports reduced costs by 93% compared to traditional survey methods. Don’t miss this opportunity to optimize your digital stockpile management with Stockpile Reports! Read about the study here.

Learn About Salt Management with Stockpile Reports

DOT Frequently Asked Questions

We can move as fast as your organization can. Our current clients achieved statewide implementation in less than 6 months using a phased roll-out approach across their regions and subgroups.

Stockpile Reports measurements are accurate within 1.6% of a professional terrestrial LiDAR Scanner. Read about TxDOT’s accuracy study

Yes, Stockpile Reports can integrate with other 3rd party systems via an API.

Stockpile Reports offers iPhone, drone, and installed camera solutions that all work in indoor environments.

AASHTO Innovation Initiative is currently supporting the adoption of a focus technology “Digital Stockpile Management (DSM)”. DSM is a digital management process to measure and analyze material quantities efficiently, accurately, and consistently in real time.

Learn About DSM