Why Companies Needs to Part 107 Certify Their Drone Pilots

Author: Stockpile Reports

Why Companies Needs to Part 107 Certify Their Drone Pilots | Stockpile Reports

The first step of creating a drone program at any company is ensuring each pilot has the proper certifications.

Clients often ask us if getting certified is necessary since their locations are located far away from airports and urban centers. It is the law to be certified to fly a drone commercially. However, even if it weren’t, we strongly urge clients to become certified for one reason: RISK. In the following article, we are going to explain why commercially certifying your drone pilots is not only the law but also it is necessary to mitigate the exposure to major legal and financial risk.

Skip the FAA Part 107 Certification Process and Have Stockpile Reports Fly For You

Stockpile Reports believes inventory management should be automated across the whole company enabling the workforce to focus on other high-value tasks. We have a network of drone and fixed wings pilots who will measure your inventory without any employees lifting a finger.

If you want to skip the process of building an enterprise drone program at your company, use our pilots instead. Our pilots are experienced, commercially FAA-certified, and insured. To learn more, go here.

What is the Part 107 Commercial Drone Certification?

Any pilot flying a drone for commercial purposes must take a Part 107 certification test from the FAA. According to the FAA’s “Know Before You Fly” website, any commercial drone use in connection with a business needs to be Part 107 certified, including:

  • Selling photos or videos taken from a drone
  • Using a drone to provide contract services, such as industrial equipment or factory inspection
  • Using a drone to provide professional services, such as security or telecommunications
  • Using a drone to monitor the progress of work your company is performing

In other words, if your drone is improving your business, you have to be certified.

The FAA Part 107 website provides all the information you need to know to get started with the process.
The FAA Part 107 website provides all the information you need to know to get started with the process.

Besides the Law, Why Should I Get Certified?

Building material companies spend significant time and effort to mitigate risk in their business. Safety programs are implemented and strictly followed to ensure the risk of injury is minimized. Likewise, they also invest in inventory management technology to ensure financial risk is kept at a minimum. The same energy spent on injury and financial risk systems must to be applied to enterprise drone programs. This is where commercial drone pilot certification and insurance comes into play.

Drones used for mapping quarries are small and typically do not weigh more than a few pounds. However, these drones have the potential to cause a large amount of damage to persons and property. In the event that your drone crashes into a vehicle, structure, or a person, your company will need to be protected by insurance to minimize the financial and legal risk.

Obtaining liability insurance for your pilots’ drone operations is inexpensive and an easy process. Options range from short term insurance covering a single flight to long term insurance (think vehicle insurance for your car). Once you have determined which insurance choice best fits your need, the drone pilot will need to provide proof of Part 107 drone certification from the FAA. This is why your pilots need to be certified prior to starting an enterprise drone program.

Why Companies Needs to Part 107 Certify Their Drone Pilots | Stockpile Reports

How to Become a Part 107 Commercially Certified Drone Pilot

The Part 107 drone certification process is similar to obtaining a driver’s license. The pilot will need to pass a 60 question multiple choice test (70% or higher is passing). Self-motivated pilots can study for the test using inexpensive guides for purchase. For pilots who are short on time or needs a more hands-on approach, an online module-based training program or an instructor-led in-person class would be the best option. Online training costs between $250-$500 and instructor-led classes cost around $800 plus travel expenses.

The FAA has excellent information detailing the complete process for obtaining certification: Become a Drone Pilot FAA Website.

Don't Take The Risk

Those truck drivers are licensed and insured, you should be too!
Those truck drivers are licensed and insured, you should be too!

You would never allow a truck driver to operate on your site without their CDL and insurance. The same goes for drone pilots. At the end of the day, if something goes wrong with a drone flight, your company will be protected by the drone certification in insurance.

If your company is interested in establishing an enterprise drone program, it’s important to consider the financial and legal commitments and associated risks. Stockpile Reports can act as your enterprise drone program, freeing up time, money, and resources to focus on high-value tasks. If you are ready to chat with us, contact us today!

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