Introducing Live Volumes from Daily Drone Flights and Our New Pile-centric Dashboard

Author: Stockpile Reports

Introducing Live Volumes from Daily Drone Flights and Our New Pile-centric Dashboard | Stockpile Reports

March 2017, at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG show in Las Vegas, we launched our Live Volumes service.

This, coupled with a our new Pile-centric Dashboard, gives you the ability to get instant answers to common questions.

Answer Questions Like…

  • How many tons of 1-inch stone were produced today?
  • Show me all the locations where we have more than 200 tons of salt.
  • How many of my stockpiles have vegetation growing on them?
  • Show me which of my locations have not yet performed inventory counts this quarter.

What are Live Volumes?

We now have a network of drone pilots available to fly your sites for you and are now able to offer daily drone flights. This turns Stockpile Reports into a full-blown production tracking system, giving you daily insights into production levels and issues—heading off problems before they have a chance to develop!

What Will I See in the New Dashboard?

What Will I See in the New Dashboard? | Stockpile Reports
View statistics across all your sites. All your alerts and notifications can be viewed and dealt with in one place. View your inventory data by Products, Piles, or Measurements.

Would You Like to Participate in the Live Volumes / Dashboard Beta?

We have room to add 5 more customers to the beta program. If you and your company are interested and willing, we’d like to talk to you. Here are the criteria for participation:

  1. Have a Clean, Well Maintained Site

    Qualifying participants will need to have a site where most of the piles are distinct, with good clearance around their perimeters, and the piles being in good clean condition.

  2. Be Willing to Make a 1-month Daily Commitment

    In this program we will provide flights every business day of the month. You will be asked to do a daily review and provide feedback on the results.

  3. Put Down a $5,000 Dollar Deposit

    To cover the costs of daily drone flights and processing costs, we are asking beta program participants to pay a fee of $5,000 dollars.

If you feel you’re a good fit, or have any questions about the program, please reach out directly to Tony Jacobson, our VP of Product at

Have Questions?

We’re more than happy to talk with you about your inventory needs, and answer any questions you might have about Stockpile Reports. Feel free to get in touch with us at:

+1 (425) 285-4303

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