What is in Your Future?

Author: Stockpile Reports

What is in Your Future? | Blog | Stockpile Reports

We love the summer months. Customers are busy and we are, too.

Client measurement totals for a recent week illustrates this clearly: over 500 stockpile measurements were made using the iPhone, aerial and drone, at over 100 different sites!

Did you know that the Stockpile Reports system supports multiple measurement methods? Although we are proud of our patent-pending iPhone® App and how easy it is to use, no two sites, nor two stockpiles are alike. Different piles each have varying measurement and access challenges. Your business receives accurate volume and tonnage reports for sites using the method that works best for that location and pile placement.

That’s why we also offer aerial measurements by plane or drone for subscribers. Consider using regular aerial measurements once a month for an entire site, and the iPhone for spot-checking individual stockpiles.

Tracking your stockpile inventory from month to month isn’t impossible. Let us take the guesswork out of the process, and make the future a little more predictable.

Our system is the only way to measure 100% of your site’s stockpiles, with online results available for view in 24-hours via our web portal. This enables your business get the best of ground and air for stockpile measurements.

Did you know that beyond the point of measurement, the Stockpile Reports platform also supports online reconciliation? This provides the data to the CFO quickly and consistently. Here is a shortcut to more information about our custom reports.

If you are a Quarry Manager, an Operations Manager, a Construction Sales Managers or a CFO and want easy, accurate measurements please connect with us. The Stockpile Reports team is ready to help.

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