Every Pile, Any Time™ | Stockpile Reports
Every Pile, Any Time™ | Stockpile Reports

ConExpo-Con/Agg 2020 marked the start of a global pandemic with a fraction of normal attendance. Fast forward three years and the industry is stronger than ever. Our team hit the show floor last week eager to meet with customers, vendors, and other industry professionals. After tens of miles of walking and numerous conversations, our team shared three major takeaways from this year’s trade show.

Takeaway #1: Everyone Wants Real-Time Data

We have always believed great decisions are made with great data. The recent proliferation of telematics in heavy equipment has given companies a taste of what is possible with real-time data. A record number of vendors showcased asset tracking technology rapid insights into equipment and operations.

Stockpile Reports also leapt into real-time inventory with the latest update of our SR Measure app. Users with an iPhone 14 can now get measurements in seconds with on phone processing.

Takeaway #2: Cameras Everywhere!

Just like your new pickup truck, heavy equipment OEMs are installing cameras directly onto machines. This is great news for increasing safety and general awareness around vehicles. We also met numerous vendors with cameras that detect humans and hazards to alert operators of danger.

Cameras aren’t just showing up on equipment. Vendors are putting cameras around work sites to monitor construction progress and look for potential issues during a project. Stockpile Reports has been installing cameras for automated monitoring of inventory in batch plants and covered sheds.

Takeaway #3: Robots Are More Than Just Dogs

A record number of robotic machines were displayed on the show floor. From robots that tied rebar to robots that mowed and moved hazardous debris, there is a robot for everyone. Some robots are 100% autonomous, others are remotely controlled. Our team even used a simulator to operate a heavy machine on a simulator. The industry is moving towards a future where heavy equipment operators will be sitting in the safety of an office.

Dustin operating a mining equipment simulator.

Stockpile Reports also co-announced our partnership and beta tester program with Optimotive, an edge robotics company, to bring autonomous stockpile measurements to your site. Optimotive’s rolling robot can operate in extreme conditions and can avoid any obstacles on your site.


ConExpo-Con/Agg 2023 was the biggest show proving that meeting face-to-face and making personal connections is as important as ever. If you were unable to attend or missed us while at the show, lets connect with a phone call. Do you have an inventory problem you’re trying to solve? We are here to help.