Calculate the Volume & Tonnage of Salt Stockpiles

ITD can now complete an entire statewide inventory count in less than a week.

If you have salt stockpiles that you would like to measure the volume and tonnage of, it’s no problem with Stockpile Reports. We have three simple solutions available for you:

  1. Fixed cameras for continuous monitoring and auto-replenishment
  2. Indoor drone measurements for small and large salt stockpiles
  3. iPhone measurements for piles that are indoors or in restricted spaces

Many traditional methods make estimations and aren’t consistent from measurement to measurement. Our solutions provide you with consistent, reliable, and third-party compliant data. We go beyond volumetrics. We provide big data that allows you to plan ahead for future seasons and archived measurement tracking for dispute resolution. Our simple, easy to use service is being adopted by DOTs, like Idaho DOT and Texas DOT, and government organizations across the country.

Fixed-Cameras Salt Pile Monitoring

Stockpile Reports offers affordable fixed-cameras that continuously monitor salt stockpiles. When inventory falls below a defined threshold, our system auto-triggers replenishment orders. The days of running out or carrying an excess of salt inventory are over.

Our fixed cameras work well in salt bunkers, in sheds, in warehouses, and other storage facilities where drones aren’t able to fly. You will no longer need to send resources to and from locations to determine the amount of salt inventory on hand because all measurements are stored in the dashboard and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

This solution is one of a kind because it offers complete autonomy and it is the only near-real-time salt inventory monitoring solution in the industry. The fixed camera solution eliminates human error, improves safety, and allows companies to confidently quote and fulfill orders without the fear of running out or overstocking.

Indoor Drone for Salt Pile Measurement

When absolute accuracy is a must, the indoor drone is the perfect solution for you. Leveraging a state of the art drone system, your team can safely and effortlessly measure large quantities of salt with high precision. Simply launch the drone and fly it back and forth over the top of the stockpile. The drone will take all of the right imagery for us to produce a high-quality volume report. This is the best tool for post-winter storm inventory to true up your perpetual inventory with your physical inventory.

The drone especially excels in environments where access around the stockpile is limited. The ability to fly overhead allows the drone’s camera to see behind all of the ridges formed when the stockpile was loaded into a salt bunker. Your employees never have to make the choice to walk on unsafe surfaces or be in confined spaces to get the measurement data they need.

Drone flying indoors

iPhone App for Salt Pile Measurement

One of the most popular solutions we offer is the iPhone app. The app can go where drones can’t. If your salt piles are stored in a shed or bunker, the iPhone app is a perfect solution for you. Simply point your iPhone camera at the pile, walk across the open end of your shed or bunker and the app will do the rest. The app automatically uploads images to the Stockpile Reports website. Volume and tonnage reports are automatically generated for each of your piles within a few hours.

You will be able to easily spot-check new deliveries for discrepancies and use our data to resolve any disputes. We save all of your measurements in an archive with the time, date, and location appended so you can easily access them should you need to share them with a team member or resolve a problem with a vendor.

What Does This Mean for You?

Your job will be simpler, easier, and faster than ever. Once time-consuming tasks, now take just a few minutes. Anyone with an iPhone can take stockpile measurements from the ground. Anyone with a drone and a Part 107 certificate can take stockpile measurements from the sky, or you can use our pilots to fly for you. Scheduling flights with Stockpile Reports is quick, easy, and affordable. Ask us how.

Your job will be safer too. With both feet firmly on the ground, you won’t be exposing yourself or others to the risk of injury or a fatality. You can use an iPhone or drone to capture salt stockpile measurements, so you won’t be climbing over or on piles. You can reduce the risk and get better data in the process.

You’ll have third-party approved, audit-friendly data. Because our system auto-detects stockpiles, our system is third-party compliant. You will no longer have to point and click points on a map, exposing your financials to inconsistencies and inaccuracies. We auto-detect piles, ensuring that no matter who takes the measurement or which method you choose, the results are consistent and reliable and backed by archived images with date, time, and location appended.

You will save time, money, and a whole lot of hassle. Your organization will save millions of dollars between reduced travel expenses, excessive write-offs, carrying too much inventory, and running out of inventory when you need it most. You can say goodbye to organizational tension and frustration and be certain that you have the right amount of salt inventory on hand, which is especially important in the event of an emergency.

Calculating the volume and tonnage of your salt stockpiles is simple with the right tools. For more information about how DOTs and other organizations are using Stockpile Reports to improve their logistics and inventory measurement processes, reach out to us. We’d be happy to walk through all the details.