Milestone: 8 Million Tons Measured, and Still Growing Strong

Author: Stockpile Reports

8 Million Tons Measured, and Still Growing Strong | Stockpile Reports

Our customers have been busy measuring stockpiles in October!

So far over the past 12 months a total of eight-million tons of construction aggregates have been measured using the Stockpile Reports application. In fact, over one-million tons have been measured in this month alone.

Why? The reason is simple: using a smartphone as a stockpile measurement tool is an easy way to calculate tonnage and volume in a matter of hours.

The resulting pile data reports— available in both visual and statistical forms—enables companies to look back in time and gain insight into how production has progressed monthly and even weekly. Videos and corresponding reports give insight into how loader operators are building piles, view how piles accrue and shrink, and help site managers to recommend changes and process improvements.

Customers will appreciate the timely information available with the Site Report, especially now that 2013 is nearly over. A Site Report collects the Stockpile Reports for a site and overlays them on a Google Maps view. The shaded areas represent various stockpile data collected, and clicking on an individual stockpile reveals information about the pile name, material, tonnage and volume. This information helps companies plan for a more efficient, profitable 2014.

Want to measure your resources and materials quickly and easily for the remainder of 2013? Ready to plan for 2014? Right now we are offering a limited 5-Day Zero Dollar Trial*. The trial offer expires November 30, 2013. Contact us at to inquire about the opportunity to participate, or connect with us here.


*Valid for first-time users, not available in Australia. Expires 11/30/2013

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