From Inventory Management to Live Volume Production Measurement

Author: Stockpile Reports

From Inventory Management to Live Volume Production Measurement | Stockpile Reports

So you already know that has changed the game for inventory management.

We’ve cut pile measurement costs up to 89% for some customers, while at the same time giving unprecedented accuracy and eliminating costly writedowns. That would be enough for any company to abandon legacy measurement systems and switch to Our technology utilizing drones, airplanes and our proprietary iPhone app can quickly and accurately measure stockpiles and create real-time reports for inventory. However, this technology has brought about an additional benefit that makes it an indispensable part of any aggregate business: accurate measurement of material production or “live volumes” measurement.

Before, measuring stockpiles (and new material production) was a costly and time-intensive endeavor, relying on large swaths of guesswork and unreliable formulas. By automating this system and eliminating back-office calculations, customers can now measure as often as they like, and receive the data back immediately, rather than waiting for days or weeks.

Think about this: production operations can now measure their material production daily – something never even considered before as it was cost-prohibitive. In the time it takes for one employee to walk around a stockpile with a mobile phone, a new measurement is entered. Alternatively, our team of contracted drone pilots can fly your site once a day, and send the data right to your dashboard. Whether measured by the app, drones or airplane, there are zero back office calculations required in order to obtain the current volumes – our technology puts it instantly in an easy-to-read report, which is stored in the cloud and accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection. Every single employee, across the organization, can now log in and see a current account of all materials on a given site, or look at production across all of their sites. customer Colaska, IT Manager Travis Morrison says this ability to measure live volumes has revolutionized their company’s data-keeping: “Now we can have timeline comparisons that were never possible before. Last year, we ran 30 different production reports across our entire enterprise,” he said. “Before, it would have been cost-prohibitive to even try.”

Having live volume measurement also brings unprecedented accuracy to a production operation. Instead of relying on finicky belt scales or estimating the output of a rock crusher based on how long it has been run along, site managers can get an exact daily volume by using our technology. As with inventory management, accuracy in production measurement is a direct line to profitability. By removing all the guesswork from a production operation, companies are in the position to confidently set bids for large projects without worrying about whether they will be able to deliver the materials. The possibilities of having to back out of a contract, or worse, purchase additional materials from a competitor at a premium are eliminated. These daily insights presented in our “Pile-Centric” dashboard let customers make critical business decisions on a day to day basis. They can quickly see how much 1-inch gravel was produced in a day at one site, or search for all locations where they are storing more than 200 tons of salt, or see what piles need some attention, due to vegetation growth or standing water. Viewing changes of a pile over a week’s or month’s time give new visual insights that dated infrequent images cannot.

We’re very excited about the possibilities for customers using for daily or weekly production measurements. By removing the barriers to frequent and cost-efficient pile measurement, we are giving our customers a competitive advantage that will allow them to grow their businesses like never before.

Give us a call to see how we can put this technology to work for you.
+1 (425) 428-5266

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